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How Youtubers in Russia are Scamming Indian Students Planning for MBBS in Far Eastern Federal University


The dream of pursuing a medical degree abroad is an aspiration for many Indian students. The allure of studying in foreign institutions, gaining international exposure, and returning home with a prestigious degree drives countless students to seek opportunities abroad. One such destination is the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) in Russia. However, recent trends reveal a dark and troubling reality: Youtubers and student YouTubers in Russia are scamming Indian students with fake promises, illegal channels, and abusive practices. This blog delves into the deceptive tactics employed, the impact on students and their families, and the silence from the authorities.

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The Allure of MBBS at Far Eastern Federal University

Far Eastern Federal University, located in Vladivostok, Russia, has gained popularity among Indian students for its affordable tuition fees, quality education, and simplified admission process. Many YouTubers and educational consultants promote FEFU as a top choice, highlighting its state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty, and multicultural environment. The promise of a bright future, coupled with glowing testimonials from seemingly satisfied students, creates a compelling narrative for prospective applicants.

The Deceptive Promises

Fake Testimonials and Misleading Information

These YouTubers often post videos featuring fake testimonials from students who allegedly studied at FEFU. They paint a rosy picture of the university, showcasing luxurious accommodations, modern classrooms, and vibrant student life. However, many of these testimonials are scripted and paid for, creating a false sense of security for the applicants.


Overstated Success Rates

Promoters claim exceptionally high success rates in obtaining visas, clearing entrance exams, and securing jobs post-graduation. They assure students and their families that FEFU’s degree is globally recognized and will open doors to lucrative career opportunities, which is not always the case.


Filing Applications via Illegal Channels

Unauthorized YouTubers

A significant number of applications are processed through unauthorized YouTubers who have no official ties with FEFU. These YouTubers charge exorbitant fees for their services, promising guaranteed admissions and hassle-free processing. They often bypass official channels, submitting incomplete or falsified documents to the university.

Forged Documents

To ensure the students’ acceptance, some YouTubers forge academic transcripts, recommendation letters, and financial statements. These illegal practices jeopardize the students’ future, as they may face severe consequences if caught, including deportation and blacklisting from other educational institutions.




Over admission Crisis

Blocking Applications

Despite FEFU having a capacity of only 90 seats for international students, more than 350 applications have been blocked by these YouTubers. This over admission crisis leads to overcrowded classrooms, inadequate resources, and compromised educational quality. Many students, despite paying hefty fees, find themselves unable to attend classes or access necessary facilities.

Financial Exploitation

These YouTubers exploit the desperate situation by demanding additional money from the students and their parents, citing various fabricated reasons such as “seat reservation fees,” “special processing charges,” and “late application penalties.” Parents, anxious about their children’s future, often comply, plunging deeper into financial problems.

Routing Money Illegally in Russia

Undisclosed Fees

Upon arrival in Russia, students are often confronted with undisclosed fees for accommodation, food, and other essentials. The YouTubers, who initially promised all-inclusive packages, conveniently disappear, leaving the students to fend for themselves.

Illegal Money Transfers

The money collected from students is often routed illegally within Russia, avoiding taxation and legal scrutiny. This underground economy not only fuels corruption but also deprives the students of any legal recourse to reclaim their money.


Abusing Students Physically and Sexually

Vulnerable Students

Away from home and with limited resources, students find themselves vulnerable to various forms of abuse. Reports of physical and sexual abuse by YouTubers and even some university staff have surfaced, revealing a deeply disturbing aspect of this scam.

Lack of Support

These students, already traumatized, receive little to no support from the university or local authorities. The fear of retribution and the stigma associated with reporting abuse further silence many victims, perpetuating a cycle of exploitation.


The Deafening Silence of the Embassy

Absence of Intervention

Despite numerous complaints and reports, the Indian Embassy in Russia remains conspicuously silent on the issue. Their lack of intervention has emboldened the scammers, leaving the students and their families feeling abandoned and helpless.

Diplomatic Apathy

The apathy displayed by the embassy highlights a significant gap in the protection and support system for Indian students abroad. The need for a robust mechanism to address and resolve such issues is more urgent than ever.


The rampant scams perpetrated by unauthorized YouTubers in Russia, targeting Indian students aspiring to study at Far Eastern Federal University, are a grave concern. The fake promises, illegal application processes, over admission crises, financial exploitation, illegal money transfers, and physical and sexual abuse paint a dire picture of the current scenario. The silence from the Indian Embassy only exacerbates the situation, leaving students and their families in a state of despair.

To counter this, it is imperative for students and parents to thoroughly research and verify the authenticity of the information provided by these YouTubers. Engaging with official university channels, seeking guidance from recognized educational consultants, and demanding accountability from the authorities are crucial steps to safeguard the future of aspiring medical professionals. The collective effort of the community, along with stringent actions from the government, can help put an end to these malicious practices and ensure a safe and legitimate path for students to achieve their dreams.


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