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University Transfer From Ukraine To Georgia | Indian Students

University Transfer from Ukraine to Georgia | Indian Students


University Transfer from Ukraine to Georgia. | Indian Students

Many Indian students studying in Ukraine are looking for Transfer opportunities to Georgia. Georgia is a beautiful country, situated at the intersection of Asia and Europe and a growing hub for medical as well as other universities. Every year the number of students showing their interest in taking admission in their universities has increased and that is how why Indian students in Ukraine are also getting interested in getting a transfer.


Indian students are considered smart and that is why most of them don’t face challenges in clearing the transfer procedure. One of the pre-requisites for transfer is that the student should be in good standing in their previous university. If that criterion is cleared for you then you should go ahead and take your chances and apply to universities that are present in Georgia.


Why Transfer To Georgia:

A question so legit that we decided to answer it with proper points:

  • Students get to experiment and also experience real-time scenarios through the clerkship starting right from their 1st semester.
  • All the medical universities are WHO and UNESCO approved which can assure you of their qualities.
  • The country has a strict no-donation policy for all types of universities including Medical Universities.
  • The infrastructure of these universities is better than most competing countries.
  • All universities provide great accommodation options to the students. Students who take admissions or transfers are put into groups so they can also talk and decide who they want to stay with.
  • They also provide discounts for the students on transportation. The discount is up to 50%.
  • The universities are connected to all types of global medical firms and organizations. This allows them to conduct various seminars and workshops.
  • The country and the universities inside them provide the best safety to the students. Residents of the country are also very peaceful and helpful which makes it a perfect education destination, especially for medical aspirants.


These are just a few of all the points that we could put. We think that these should be enough for now to give you an idea about what you have in it. There are many things that a student should know and do before they are sure that where they want to go. The first part is research, you will need to know a lot about the university and the country. Please know if Georgia is the place where you will be able to survive and if the university that you have chosen provides everything that you want. Most students also forget to check what they are missing in their current university. This is also because no university tells the students what they are missing. You need to do your own research and based on that shortlist the universities that can suit your requirements.

List Of Universities In Georgia That Allow Transfer Of Students From Ukraine:

All the universities on the list are among the best. The infrastructure, curriculum and all extra things that a student can ask for are present in them.


  • Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
  • New Vision University
  • Akaki Tsereteli State University
  • David Tvildiani Medical University
  • Ilia State Medical University
  • Tbilisi State Medical University
  • Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
  • Caucasus International Universit
  • Georgian National University SEU
  • David Agmashenebeli University
  • BAU International University, Batumi
  • Tbilisi Open Teaching University
  • Georgian American University

Final Words:

You need to think a lot before you take that call for transfer to a university in Georgia, the organization will also take a transfer fee that can be between $100-$200. This is to be paid by every student irrespective of how their academics are. Georgia is a great choice, just look at the universities that you are wishing to transfer to a bit closely.



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